With the Regulatory environment increasingly dictating the record keeping in the healthcare arena, the HIM and IT departments have become the last line to make sure all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. In particular, all appropriate documentation needs to be signed, credentialed and date/timed during point of service. In some circumstances, intent is sufficient, but for the majority of cases, signature requirements are required. CMS Guidelines
Automatically finding deficiencies in a timely manner greatly expedites their correction
Scanning records into an electronic repository often results a greater realization of documentation problems: missing pages and missing documents. Furthermore, duplicate documents make it difficult for the provider to know which copy is the relevant and legal version. The reasons for deficiencies and duplications in paper records are many, often resulting from a healthcare provider needing specific information in a timely fashion.
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KYOS Systems Inc, a Massachusetts high tech company specializing in healthcare IT